Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Update:Home, Work, and Day Ruiner's

A quickie.

I am home.

The drive was arduous, but uneventful, so I can't complain. We pulled into the driveway at 5:45 pm, and had the U-Haul totally unloaded by 6:10. Miraculous.

I succeeded in making it to Target to obtain aforementioned tiny wind-up robot, and it is now sitting on my desk, in my cave, in the basement, awaiting the results of my decision to either open it and place it somewhere to be displayed, or left in the package, also to be displayed. My inclination is toward the former, but I'll wait until I have a good night's sleep to make such a weighty decision.

I trained for a few hours for work today, said hello to a few good friends last night and through this afternoon, and I am almost done putting my room together.

In closing, I hate Day Ruiner's. That is the name I have given to things that come out of nowhere to ruin a perfectly fine or great or mediocre day. I especially hate them in their most vicious form: the-snide-comment-about-yourself-that-you-were-never-meant-to-hear-but-overheard-or-overread. This particular instance was the latter. Good thing it came at a time when I have little day left to think about it, and I can lose it in the realm of sleep.

Hopefully it doesn't bleed over into tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you got the robot. That's the kind of thing that really counts in life. As for the day ruiners... don't let it get to you. People like that aren't cool enough to have robots anyway. You got one. That should say something right there.

