This is the beginning of something new. I do not post nearly as often as I should, and starting now, there will be semi-daily posts on anything and everything.
On that note, here is something that will be popping up on a regular basis.
Top five artists of the day:
1. Isis (Oceanic - particularly "False Light")
2. Death Cab For Cutie - ("I Will Follow You Into the Dark")
3. Baroness - (Blue Record)
4. War of Ages - (Eternal)
5. God is an Astronaut - (Age of the Fifth Sun)

WHAT IS THIS?! This is NOT how Andrew's blog should look. The barrage of white accented by breezy blue text is in stark contrast to the four Cardinal Moods. Your domain is supposed to be a dark dwelling, a cave where you can brood to your heart's content (and play Final Fantasy instead of hanging out with your friends, to make an extended reference to the age old Cave Troll joke). The monitor is to be tilted down, the headphones are to be firmly planted upon your skull, and a scowl is to adorn your face at all times, so that people can ask you, knowing full well what the consequences will be, whether or not you're pissed. And where on earth is the roving pile of dirty laundry?! I thought I knew you Andrew, but this... this is too much.