Tonight I am debuting a brand new format here at The Ether. It's called 3 strikes, and the name of the game is taking any item of pop culture/society/internet meme and picking it apart thricely. This will allow me to voice my opinion in the most judgmental way possible, which is what you come here for, obviously. Let's get started.
Strike One: Blake a fighter pilot?

I like Blake Lively. She's been in a handful of movies I like, and I'm happy to see her getting some more major roles, as I think she is a talented actress. Plusthere'sthewholeeyecandythingbutmovingon...I just don't find it believable to cast her as a fighter pilot. Blake Lively has the whole girl-next-door-sweetheart thing going for her, and I don't see her as the hardened military type. I think she fits perfectly as the love interest, however, and maybe this role will change my mind about her versatility.
Strike Two: THE EYES!

Okay, I can deal with the suit being digital, I really can. What I don't understand is what's going on with the STARK BLUE GHOSTEYES. Apparently I forgot the Green Lantern power that allows Hal Jordan to peer into my friggin' SOUL. Stupid. (My opinion on this is not liable to change once I see the movie)
Strike Three: The Comic-Book Character Double-Up

I don't like it when they do this, I never have. Yes, Deadpool is a relatively minor character. Personally, I thought the whole Ryan Gosling rumor was good, and I would've liked to have seen him as the Green Lantern. I have nothing against Ryan Reynolds but it's the principle of the thing. I don't really care for the fact that Chris Evans is playing Captain America, either. Although I think the Captain America movie will be infinitely better than that festering turd of a franchise they call The Fantastic Four. But I digress...
Well, that's it for this one, folks. That being said, keep in mind that these three strikes are about the trailer, not necessarily the movie itself. I will see it, and I will probably like it (unless it turns out to be another Daredevil or Ghostrider or Spiderman 3, in which case I will loathe it and actively check my watch, waiting for the moment when I can finally leave the theater...) But I don't think that will happen.
Let me know what you think of the format, and as always, your thoughts are welcome and appreciated.
I don't think the eye thing really bothers me. Artistic liscence? Suppose we shall have to see...
ReplyDeleteDaredevil is awesome ...
I like the feature, but naturally, I disagree with some of your opinions. And because of that, I am going to tear you to shreds just to watch you cry. Ready?
ReplyDelete1. Green Lantern is DC, bro. That's why it doesn't bother me too much that Ryan Reynolds is simultaneously Deadpool and Green Lantern.
2. I'm not the biggest fan of Chris Evans as Captain America, but then again, the Fantastic Four Franchise is now defunct, which is why I can accept that. That's an excellent segue into my next point, however, which is that...
3. I LIKED the Fantastic Four movies. I'm not sure why everyone hated them so much (I know the stated reasons)... I feel like everyone just wanted to hate them because nobody's familiar enough with the Fantastic Four to care and they didn't have a star like Robert Downey Jr. to propel the franchise into Blockbuster Land.
4. Ghost Rider was awesome, plain and simple. Not the greatest movie ever made, but a really cool, fun movie.
5. Daredevil likewise got hated on a lot more than it deserved, probably because of Ben Affleck, who, newsflash, is actually a good actor. For some reason everybody focuses only on the handful of bad movies he's made and turns it into a giant ad hominem (yes sir) in order to slander his acting chops across the board.
6. The eyes are weird, you get that one. Why does GREEN Lantern have BLUE eyes?
Hello brosephus! My first comment! Finally...I know. 3 strikes, but I'm gonna add my two cents. Imagine that.
ReplyDelete1. Just to clarify to others, as we have already discussed this, we're not talking about ONLY the eyes here, but rather the entire eye-mask and surrounding area because of how fake it looks. The suit looks much better than the mask thing, and while it does make sense for it all to be digital since the GLs "create" their suits with the power of the ring, the eye "area" needs a lot of work. It looks bad.
2. I don't like the actor double-dip either. Good call.
3. Blake Lively: don't know enough about her to judge. We'll see. However, female fighter pilots always strike me as odd anyway. Send in the sexism police now, I surrender. I'm just sayin'.
4. And I gotta go with Bill here...I also greatly enjoyed both Fantastic Fours, Daredevil, and Ghost Rider. While they are by no means qualified to even shine Chris Nolan's How-To-Make-A-Superhero-Movie trophy, or live in Spiderman 1&2's neighborhood, they are fun films. Not the drivel they're often labeled. And Ben Affleck is a talented actor with poor decision making skills. Or a bad agent. Watch The'll see what I mean.
I would like to rebut some of these rebuttals, if I may.
ReplyDelete1. Yes, Green Lantern is DC. I deserve criticism. It must have been a slip of the fingers or brain, because my mind had fast-forwarded to Captain America by that point, who is Marvel.
2. I realize that I am hard to please when it comes to movies, sometimes. However, in my defense, I have not seen the director's cut of Daredevil (which I hear is quite superior to the theatrical cut) and the Fantastic Four movies could have been good, but poor casting and even poorer acting made them suffer. The Thing looks asinine, and Dr. Doom is more like a clown then an actual villain. However, the Silver Surfer was cool (probably my favorite part of the movie) but they didn't back him up with enough of a story.
3. I never said Ben Affleck wasn't a good actor. Lewis said it best, great actor, poor decision making skills. There have been enough movies that I really like with him in them to prove that to me. Most recently, The Town. Which, Lewis, we were sitting next to each other while watching. Just a reminder. I was there. And it was a very good movie and maybe Affleck's best performance.
4. Ghost Rider was dumb. The end.
YOU'RE dumb.