Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This might be the first blog that I've written that has no point. I really have nothing to say, but I feel like saying something. So I guess now all I have to do is decide what exactly it is that I want to say. This is proving difficult.


Does a blog count as a friend if it's the only "person" around at the moment to talk to? I suppose that's why I'm writing this particular entry. I feel like having a conversation, but there's no one around to have one with. I suppose I could call someone, but I don't particularly like talking on the phone. Plus, I don't know what I want to talk about, I just want to talk. About something stupid and completely pointless. Just to talk, just to interface with another human being (In my head, I hear those last two words pronounced the way my friend Phil Worthington would say them).

Speaking of Phil, he's probably in Lynchburg, Virginia at the present moment, and I am not. I think I should be. I will be at the end of the week. I am growing antsy and experiencing a touch of wanderlust this evening, I believe. It's time for me to move on. Or move back. Or whatever.


I suppose a blog is the same as a journal or a diary, in that you tell it things that you don't really think would fit into everyday conversation. Does that constitute a friendship? I dunno. Kinda wierd if it did. To be friends with a blog. Journals are private places for private thoughts, so I suppose a blog would be one of those friends who you tell stuff to and then they go and tell everyone else, and pretty soon all your shtuff is spread around. But you can't really blame them because you should know your friend well enough to know that they're gonna tell everyone, but it still makes you kinda irritated because, dude, you weren't supposed to tell people that.

I suppose I should be careful what I tell my blog.

Even though there's only, like, four people who read this. Maybe not even that many. I have four followers, which is hardly a crowd. So I think even if I wrote some secrets on here it wouldn't go very far. Maybe I have and people just don't realize it. How sneaky.

Bob Dylan's "The times are a-changin'" is playing in the background right now. It's on the Watchmen soundtrack. I'm not even gonna pretend like I knew about this song before I heard it in the movie. I didn't. But I'm glad they included it in the film because it's a good song, and I enjoy it. And now I know it, so thank you Watchmen soundtrack compilers.

I guess that's all I have to say. Did I really say anything?

Who knows.





  1. Hahahaha

    This was great. I want more of this.

  2. 1. how did you change your layout thingy-ma-bobber. do tell. i can't figure it out.

    2. this made me smile. :)

    3. you left with my cd. jerk. :p

