Thursday, September 23, 2010

Top Ten Thoughts O' The Day (9-23-ButTechnically24-10)

10. Danger Days cannot get here soon enough. November 22nd, hurry up.

9. Ke$ha is a piece of trash. I almost don't want to spell her "name" correctly, simply because of the absurdity of it.

8. I now have good health insurance. Load off my mind.

7. 9 songs down. A few more to go.

6. Video games I cannot wait for: Bioshock:Infinite (2012?! Seriously!?), Deadspace 2, Fallout:New Vegas, which actually isn't too far away.

5. Movies that I want to see and I don't care who ridicules me for it: Legend of the Guardians (they should just change the title to That Owl Movie), The Social Network.

4. Movies I wanted to see until I realized they were about vampires: Priest, Let Me In. Priest looked awesome until I realized it was another vampire movie. Apparently that's the only topic that is to be included in science fiction or fantasy films from now on.

3. It needs to stay this time of year forever.

2. 30 Rock and Fringe are back on. This makes life that much better.

1. Due to Bill's attempts at driving me out of my funk this evening, my hate for most pop music has been reaffirmed. Thank you, Bill.

The end.

1 comment:

  1. 10. Agreed. And you don't know it yet, but November 9th (the Scott Pilgrim DVD release) can't come soon enough either.

    9. Agreed, nothing more to say than that.

    4. Seriously, vampires are getting really tiresome. So are sequels and reboots and re-imaginings and remakes. And any other re's that I might have missed. There need to be some original ideas out there.

    2. Fringe is great. Period. I like Fringe better than I liked Lost.

